Julia Lockhart
Julia Lockhart* is Principal Bassoon of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, and grew up in Calgary, Alberta. Her teachers have included bassoonists Bernard Garfield, Nadina Mackie Jackson, Michael Hope, Frank Morelli, and Jesse Read. She is a graduate of the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, where she earned a Bachelor of Music in bassoon and a Diploma in harpsichord. Her Master of Music was completed through studies at Yale and UBC. As a teacher, Julia has served as an Adjunct Professor of bassoon at UBC, and has given guest master classes at several other Canadian universities and summer music programs.
Also a dedicated chamber musician, Julia has performed frequently in various ensembles, including two tours of the BC Kootenays with her reed trio. She has also created and performed arrangements for solo bassoon with piano, with string orchestra, with classical guitar, and for bassoon quartet. In her spare time, Julia enjoys gardening and creating mosaic art.
*VSO member