Qiu Xia He
Born in the province of Shaanxi China, Qiu Xia He has had two notable careers in music: as a performer and teacher back home, and then as performer, composer, producer and teacher in Canada since 1989. At thirteen, she became a professional pipa player. With intense determination, she overcame all competition and went on to study at the Xian Music Academy where she became an instructor after graduation. Qiu Xia has made friends all across the continent, and delighted audiences around the world. She has been a featured soloist with the Vancouver Symphony, and a few other orchestras. She has performed with many top musicians around the world and still actively participates in the music scene.
As an artist, Qiu Xia has forged her own stamp on the world music stage. She leads groups like Silk Road Music and Joutou, and earned twice a West Coast music award for her CDs: Endless and Village Tales, and her CD Autumn Cloud has garnered exciting responses from the CBC and other media, concert presenters and thousands of audiences. It was nominated in two categories at the Canadian Folk Music Awards. The last CD Standing Out is a statement of her vision to extend the traditional Pipa.
As an educator. Qiu Xia has toured in schools and colleges for the last 25 years. Her intention of introducing Chinese music to the public has been more than well received through her Village Tales project. The CD and Booklet has become a favourite Chinese music source for libraries, students, musicians, and folk music lovers. She has been an Artist in Residence for the Vancouver school board, Learning Through Arts of Royal conservatory of Canada, Britannia World Music Program and continually working as private teacher and performer for Artstarts Vancouver, Prologue to the Performing Arts of Ontario. Qiu Xia is consistently pushing boundaries and taking traditional Chinese music into the Canadian Mosaic. Her artistry has demonstrated the potential of music as both the expression of a culture and a powerful link between communities.
何秋霞 – 音乐家
何秋霞:出生于中国的陕西省宝鸡市,五岁开时学音乐,十三岁进入歌 舞团担任琵琶演奏,巡演六年后考入西安音乐学院深造,以优秀的毕业成绩 聘请为留校琵琶教师。她师从的名师有:张棣华,任鸿翔,曲文军和邝宇忠。 1989年秋霞移民到加拿大温哥华。她勤奋努力,博采众长,专心探索中 国音乐在海外主流社会的发展道路,以传统的中国琵琶为中心,引进丰富的 世界音乐元素,包括:巴西,爱尔兰,西班牙弗罗明哥,加拿大魁北克和美 国蓝乐, 创立了她独特的演奏技巧和音乐风格。
多年来,她和世界各地的音乐家合作,如 Celso Machado, Sal Ferreas and Trichy Sankaran, 在美国,加拿大,法国,英国,南非和许多亚洲国家 演出上千场,并发起重多艺术项目以推进人类对中国音乐的认识。她耕耘的 主要演出公司有【丝绸之路音乐团】和【JouTou】,作品跨越国界,融百家 之风,独处心裁,以其深厚的文化内涵和精粹的巧妙包融,将中国民乐推上 世界音乐舞台,受到广大听众的支持和主流社会的赞赏,1998年和2002年荣 获加拿大西部最佳世界音乐奖,并先后俩次被提名Juno奖和加拿大民族音乐 奖。
秋霞以热爱琵琶音乐为教学动力,在北美众多教育中心担任工作:俾诗 省温哥华教育局Artists in Residence, 加拿大皇家音乐学院 Learning Through Arts, Britannia World Music Program, 温哥华Artstarts, 安大列省 Prologue to the Performing Arts of Ontario,温哥华交响乐团中国音乐学校 VSO School of Music.
秋霞用中英文教授琵琶科程:基础到高等的技术训练,传统到现代的曲目演奏 解除为琵琶作曲的疑难,分享其演奏音乐的乐趣
中国民歌资料: 乡音Village Tales: 音碟CD 和 40 页 12 首中国民歌资料,包括中 英文歌词,曲谱,和弦 ,并以东西方音乐家共同表演录制,供 给公公图书馆,学校,音乐家和音乐爱好者使用。
主要演出: 英国BBC电台现场音乐会, 加拿大所有重大的艺术节,Winspear and 陈氏中心, UBC大学, 多仑多 Harbourfront, 温哥华和蒙特利 尔爵士音乐节, 2010 奥林匹克,众多儿童艺术节, 广州中山纪念 堂,法国南部巡演,美国纽约,费城,三番市, 夏威夷众岛, 俾诗省几十个城市,等等。
电视剧,CD音碟 和作曲:In our own hand (电视剧) Songs in The Key of Culture(CD音碟) 丝绸之路音乐团 CD: 天涯Endless,乡音Village Tales, 琵琶行Autumn Cloud,立气 Standing Out Rocket ship (动画片)
音乐奖: 乡音 Tales ( 加拿大西部音乐奖) 天涯 (加拿大西部音乐,朱奖提名) 琵琶行 Cloud ( 加拿大民族音乐奖提名) Tears of the Lotus ( fiction movie and Leo Award Nomination) Island of Shadows ( TV documentary Leo Award Nomination)