Job Opportunities

Career Opportunities

VSO School of Music


Email your cover letter and resume to jobs@vsoschoolofmusic.ca
Please note which position you are applying to in the subject of your email.
No phone calls or drop-ins please.

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, unless otherwise indicated.

Accountant (Permanent F/T)

Faculty Positions: Voice, Keyboard, Guitar/Ukulele, Violin (Permanent P/T)

Marketing & Communication Junior Officer (Permanent F/T)

Mini Music Makers Teacher (Permanent P/T)

Vancouver Symphony Orchestra

How to Apply

Email your resume and cover letter to employment@vancouversymphony.ca
Please note which position you are applying to in the subject of your email.

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, unless otherwise indicated.

Customer Service (Permanent P/T)

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