Zhongxi Wu
Zhongxi Wu was born in Heilongjiang Province in northeastern China, and is from a family of traditional musicians. His father and elder brother began teaching him reed instruments when he was eight years old. Zhongxi later graduated from the Heilongjiang College of Performing Arts, and has performed as a soloist in Japan, Hong Kong, and the many cities in the U.S.A. including New York, Washington D.C. He was a guest artist on the sheng at the Carrefour mondial de l’accordeon in Quebec in 2008. In 2012, he was appointed as a member of the China Nationalities Orchestra Society.
As a resident of Vancouver, B.C., he has taught sheng, guanzi and suona, performed many solos and ensemble pieces, traditional and new music works, recorded CD’s with BCCMA and other groups, and performed at the Vancouver Jazz Festival. He has also learned to play the Scottish Highland Bagpipes and plays regularly with the Delta Police Pipe Band , with whom he has toured to England to perform for the Queen and will tour to Holland later this year. He has also arranged for East-Meets-West collaborations between suona and bagpipes. In 2014, he performed with the Seattle Symphony and the China Shenzhen Symphony in 2015, at the Benaroya Concert Hall in Seattle. In 2015, he performed the suona concerto “Lady Hua Mulan” with the B.C. Chinese Orchestra for their 20th anniversary tour, at the Chan Centre at UBC, Calgary’s Jack Singer Concert Hall, and Edmonton’s Winspear Centre. This year, he was also invited to teach suona, at the VSO Music School in Vancouver, as part of their new and unique Chinese Music Program. He contributed to the book, “Yueqi: Chinese Musical Instruments in Performance” by Alan R. Thrasher and Gloria N. Wong for the sections on sheng and suona.
吴忠喜, 中国民族管弦乐学会 名誉理事,出生于中国东北黑龙江省 唢呐世家,八岁与父亲学习演奏唢呐,及民族管乐器。15岁参加县剧团工作93年毕业于黑龙江省艺术学校。分配到省龙江剧院工作.多次荣获国内各种演奏奖项 与兄长录制盒式带,个人演奏CD专辑 。并且多次与民族歌舞剧院出访日本,美国,香港,等地. 99年在纽约林肯中心音乐厅与长风中乐团,中国戏剧工作坊合作演出唢呐,笙独奏 参加蒙特利尔,国际手风琴艺术节,作为特邀嘉宾 演奏笙。11年赴英国伦敦 参加皇室国际军乐节 曾多次受西雅图手风琴艺术节特约 笙演奏嘉宾 温哥华中华爵士乐团创始人之一,参加演出温哥华爵士音乐节,曾经与华盛顿州大学交响乐团合作 演出序曲《龙腾虎跃》与深圳交响乐团赴西雅图Benaroya音乐厅 合作演出唢呐《二人转交响》 现 移居温哥华,继续演奏及教学唢呐,笙。与 BC 中乐团 合作至今, 15年来 演奏很多唢呐独奏曲 及协奏曲, 管子独奏曲 及协奏曲,及录制CD, 并且参与Alan R .Thrasher and Gloria N. Wong 主编,BC中乐协会出版的《乐器》一书里的 唢呐/笙 示范与讲解。15年与三角洲警察风笛队赴荷兰参加军乐节 与BC 中乐团赴卡加利 埃德蒙顿 演出唢呐协奏曲《花木兰》在温哥华交响乐团音乐学校担任中国管乐教师 并在三角洲警察 风笛队 担任风笛演奏员 至今,经常做世界巡演。