Winds & Brass Chamber Ensembles Audition Form – Video2024-25 Winds & Brass Chamber Ensembles: Video AuditionStep 1 of 333%About YouName of the musician auditioning(Required) First Last Musician's Birthdate(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Instrument(Required)Name of current private lesson instructor First Last Ensemble requests or commentsContact InformationEmail(Required) Phone(Required)Parent / Guardian Name First Last Parent / Guardian Email (if different from above) Video Audition RequirementsPlease provide the names of the two scales and one piece included in your video auditionScale #1(Required)Two-octave scale slurredScale #2(Required)One-octave scale (slur two tongue two articulation)Title of Piece(Required)Please limit the piece, or excerpt, to 5mins. Make sure to choose an appropriate level of music that reflects what you are working on right now.Video Audition Link(Required)Please upload a video of you playing two scales and one short piece or excerpt to YouTube, Vimeo, Dropbox or Google Drive, and paste the link here. You may choose to make the video settings private so that only people with the link can view the audition. EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.